Windt Le Grand Leeuwenburgh Advocaten

Corporate litigation

Ons corporate litigation team is gespecialiseerd in het behandelen en oplossen van complexe geschillen binnen en rondom een onderneming, zoals geschillen tussen aandeelhouders, impasses in de besluitvorming, overnamegeschillen, conflicten met investeerders, uitstotingsprocedures en aansprakelijkheid van bestuurders, commissarissen en aandeelhouders. Ook procederen wij met regelmaat over geschillen op het gebied van financieringszekerheden en fraude.

Onze advocaten voeren procedures bij de Ondernemingskamer, zijn zeer vertrouwd met kort gedingen en beslagleggingen en hebben daarnaast veel ervaring met internationale geschillen en IPR (Internationaal privaatrecht).

"The team consists of a good mix of experienced partners and ambitious talents."
"The firm offers good value for money, and is highly experienced in our industry."
"The team gave me confidence in their approach from the first engagement."

-  Client testimonials, Legal 500, 2022

Recente zaken

Representing an educational institution which focuses on offering post-graduate programs in a dispute with a university regarding broken off negotiations.

Representation of a trustee in bankruptcy in proceedings where the trustee holds the former board members of the bankrupt company liable for the deficit in bankruptcy of EUR 40 million.

Representation of an investor in real estate in disciplinary proceedings against the notary and attorneys involved .

Assisting a real estate investor in legal proceedings before the Enterprise Chamber in a shareholder dispute. The judgment is published here (ECLI:NL:GHAMS:2023:277) and here (ECLI:NL:GHAMS:2023:141).

Advising a large property development and construction company in an extensive and multidisciplinary conflict with a municipality.

Advising and assisted a large restaurant chain in various post-acquisition disputes with the transfer of shares.

Advising a NASDAQ-listed global logistics company on legislation regarding gender balance within the board of directors.

Advised and assisted a specialised healthcare institution regarding various disputes related to the development of real estate for a new care center, including a shareholders dispute.

Co-counsel of a large foreign state in Dutch proceedings to annul and revoke an arbitral award in a long standing, multi-jurisdictional dispute with several Mauritian entities concerning the termination of the lease of a valuable, state-owned satellite spectrum.

At the request of the officials appointed by the Enterprise Chamber, i.e. temporary appointed director, representing an IT company in a corporate inquiry proceeding (enquêteprocedure) before the Enterprise Chamber. We successfully filed a new request, initiating the second phase of the proceedings, in order to have the court rule on mismanagement.

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"‘The team consists of a good mix of experienced partners and ambitious talents."
- Legal 500, 2022