Windt Le Grand Leeuwenburgh Advocaten

Financiering en zekerheden

Wij adviseren en begeleiden cliënten bij het structureren en het documenteren van financieringstransacties. Dit betreft nieuwe financieringen en herfinancieringen; al dan niet in het kader van een herstructurering. Wij zijn betrokken bij transacties in nationale en internationale context, waarbij wij optreden voor financiers en kredietnemers. Ons team heeft ruime ervaring in een breed spectrum van financieringsvormen, onder meer aandeelhoudersleningen, bedrijfsfinancieringen, acquisitiefinancieringen, vastgoedfinancieringen en projectfinancieringen. 

Ook adviseren en procederen wij met regelmaat over geschillen op het gebied van financieringen en zekerheden.

Onze advocaten hebben veelal een achtergrond bij grote (internationale) kantoren en financiële instellingen. Door de kennis en ervaring die zij daar hebben opgedaan, kunnen zij echt het verschil maken voor onze cliënten, binnen de laagdrempelige en cliënt gerichte aanpak van ons kantoor. Of dat nu het bewerkstelligen van een lastige herfinanciering betreft of het uitprocederen van een kwestie over de uitwinning van een pandrecht. 

Recente zaken

We have acted for a leisure and events company on its financial restructuring resulting in a distressed takeover of the company and a € 30 million to € 15 million debt reduction. The undisclosed Dutch Scheme (WHOA) proceedings were leveraged to reach a consensual deal.

We have acted for a PE portfolio company on the restructuring of a lease resulting in a reoccurring sub-lease vacancy risk reduction and reoccurring cost reduction against financial support of the sponsor and bank. The Dutch Scheme (WHOA) was leveraged to reach a consensual deal.

We have acted for Tennor Holding B.V. in the appeal proceedings against its bankruptcy. Tennor has paid all operational creditors and has agreed ‘standstill’ arrangements with all its financial creditors. The Court of Appeal in Amsterdam accepted Tennor Holding B.V.’s argument that herewith the ‘insolvency situation’ was resolved and the bankruptcy was annulled on that basis.

Acting for a high end plant breeder, active in vegetable growing and floriculture, on the amendment and restatement of its Senior Facilities Agreement with one of the leading Dutch banks.

We have advised Tennor Holding B.V., on its agreement with certain of its material creditors to restructure financial indebtedness of the Tennor Group and certain affiliated entities. The restructuring will include the issuance of EUR 1,450,000,000 First Super Senior Secured Notes by Tennor Holding B.V. and, subject to conditions, the transfer of certain existing equity securities of the Tennor Group which are currently held by creditors and the cancellation, subject to conditions, of existing bonds of the Tennor Group and certain of its affiliates which are currently held by creditors. For more information see:

Acting for a provider of horticulture technology on its financial restructuring, including an amendment of its Senior Facilities Agreement with one of the leading Dutch banks and the structuring of a Subordinated Loan.

Acting for the management participation vehicle in the restructuring of IHC Merwede Holding, one of the largest Dutch shipbuilders, whereby the shares in IHC were acquired by a consortium of strategic parties and investors, supported by the Dutch State. Our instruction commenced early 2019 when we advised the management participation vehicle on the EUR 1.6 billion refinancing of IHC Merwede Holding.

Acting for Mercon, a service provider for tank and industrial support in maintenance and constructing projects, in optimizing its capital structure.

Acting for Quick Parking Holding, a Dutch parking multinational, in its refinancing.

Assisted a group of funds on the refinancing of a €750m Revolving Credit Facility (September 2018) provided to Hemisphere International Properties B.V. and the further implementation thereof (until October 2019). Hemisphere was holding approx. €1,1 billion real estate for Steinhoff International Holding N.V.​

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